Product Review — Lrnkey

2 min readNov 2, 2021


According to Maui Mastermind, an average person wastes 21.8 hours every week. What if we could at least use 2 hours out of that 21.8 hours? Many of our readers are excellent champs when it comes to making use of time. We learn new concepts, upskill ourselves to become a marketable version for a profession.

The majority of the folks go for paid courses to be more dedicated towards the goal. Online courses are everywhere starting from google, udemy and the list goes on.

Lrnkey is another platform, that helps you to develop skills in the form of 1 to one mentorship, thus bringing a major differentiation. In this article, I will be discussing some of the features I personally liked and some of the good to have features.

The Signup Story:

From a growth perspective, letting a user explore courses first and then giving a free trial is great. Some of the most demanded skills are available in the search results of the platform. You get a variety of results showing mentors from different countries letting you get global exposure. The other famous platforms give global exposure but still, a 1–1 mentorship hits different.


The platform claims that you just need 3 steps to start developing your skills and that three steps are easier to take on Lrnkey. The user flow is really good, there aren’t any blockages asking the users to forcibly signup(traditional growth hacks). One common factor which I found with most SaaS companies, the statement “No credit card required” holds an honest place in this platform as well.

Good to have:

  1. It would have been great if the tutor’s portfolio was given as solid proof that people are learning from the best.
  2. The star rating defines credibility inside the platform, but for new users, this might not be enough.
  3. Again from a growth perspective, it would have been better if users were able to share the tutor’s profile with others, to bring in more visits and signups.
  4. Apart from asking users about what to learn in the search bar, a user survey can be done and the UX can be made responsive in accordance with the data( data loops).

Now, this is completely from my point of view and the executing difficulties might occur at some point. With more learning platforms coming in and everything available on the internet for free, differentiation in an info product plays a major role.

Hope you like the article.

